Black Truffle Uncinatum

Black Truffle Uncinatum


Black Truffle Tuber Uncinatum

Season: from September to January

Tuber Uncinatum is the most widespread edible truffle in Europe. Molecularly it is equal to Aestivum but it prefers shady places and it thus differs in flavor, scent and spore morphology. Solely due to the influence of the environment. Uncinatum connects with roots of oak, beech, hazel, poplar, pine and linden trees and the ripening time is between September and January.

Taste Istria Black truffle in hands


The fleshy inner mass (gleba) of a ripe Tuber Uncinatum is firm and dark brown, streaked with many thin white lines which do not change their color in contact with air. Their skin (peridium) is dark and less rough than the skin of Aestivum. It is shaped like an anomalous tuber and its size ranges between 2 and 9 cm. It is pleasant in flavor and scent and tastes better than a summer truffle.


Truffle Shuffle baner

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